Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line

The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line is a no-cost, confidential resource for anyone who cares for children under six. The support line can help you to better understand and support the well-being of the young children in your care, including children who may currently be struggling. The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line connects you to an experienced consultant who can discuss your needs, help you identify support resources, and refer you to a team in your area. Parents and other caregivers play an important role in building children's social-emotional skills such as making friends, caring for others, managing emotions, and resolving conflict peacefully. Helping children to develop these skills promotes their healthy development and reduces behaviors adults find challenging. Use this link to request a referral: https://www.coloradoofficeofearlychildhood.com/OEC_ECMHReferralForm?lang=en Or call 833.326.4411 for more information.