Wee Cycle

WeeCycle’s mission is to recycle essential baby gear and match it to Colorado families in need. WeeCycle’s mission is twofold, to support families with infants and toddlers struggling to provide for their children, and to contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet for future generations. WeeCycle walks alongside families, caregivers, and caseworkers to restore dignity for those struggling to provide for their families by connecting them to essential supplies such as formula, a safe place for their baby to sleep, a stroller so they can access public transportation and so much more. WeeCycle is a Colorado-based nonprofit working hard to improve the lives of local families in need. We collect, “weecycle” and match essential baby gear to families through partner organizations focused on alleviating poverty, homelessness, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, under-employment and other challenges. By “weecycling” baby gear to meet children’s basic needs, we help keep them healthy and safe and contribute to a cleaner environment for their future.