In 1995 Dolly Parton started the Imagination Library with the hope of inspiring readers in her hometown, East Tennessee. The program sends a book a month to children from birth to 5 years old. Over the years, it has expanded across the country and beyond, to the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, and Australia. Here, in Colorado, it had been hard to enjoy the benefit of receiving Dolly Parton’s books because there weren’t enough local partners but now this program is expanding. Fox 31 news reported on 12/1/21 that Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is working with Governor Polis, the Department of Education, and local partners to expand the program to every zip code in the state. Check out the DPIL Colorado website and see if your zip code is eligible now, and check back regularly for updates.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Expanding Throughout Colorado
by Kristy Miller | Dec 2, 2021 | Books, Free, Reading | 0 comments