Most parents have heard of Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Speech Therapy (ST) helping children achieve their developmental goals. However, some children may also benefit from some less traditional therapies that aim to use leisure activities as therapeutic interventions. These therapies can include things such as aquatic therapy, art therapy, hippotherapy, and music therapy.

Aquatic Therapy, as the name suggests, uses water as a modality, or method, for completing a rehabilitation program. Some people call this hydrotherapy but in the US hydrotherapy can mean a specific water-based program used for wound healing and other acute injuries. Therapists are able to use their knowledge of how the water affects movement, pressure, and gravity in order to develop treatment programs that maximize attainment of goals. In these instances, the warmth of the water aids in relaxation and the buoyancy counteracts gravity which allows for smoother movements than may be achievable on dry land. Aquatic Therapy may not be appropriate for everyone but if you are interested in learning more, please reach out to your therapist to see if they think it could be right for you.


What is aquatic therapy? | National Rehabilitation Information Center

Ultimate Guide to Aquatic Therapy & Water Therapy – HydroWorx®

Aquatherapy – Physiopedia

Art Therapy helps to support the well-being of individuals through the use of the creative process. This type of intervention can help kids develop fine motor, visual perception, and organizational skills among other things. It is led by a trained art therapist and may be available in your area.


About Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy: Definition, uses, and how it works

Hippotherapy is a program where PT, OT, and/or ST are provided with the aid of the horse. The movements of a horse provide additional sensory and motor stimulation that can improve neurologic functioning during rehabilitation programs. Kiddos can also improve their ability to interact with others and complete skill-building tasks as they develop an emotional attachment to an animal, specifically the horse. 


What is hippotherapy? The indications and effectiveness of hippotherapy

The Benefits of Hippotherapy for the Autistic Population

Hippotherapy and Cerebral Palsy

Music Therapy is a program that uses the therapeutic benefit of music “to address physical, psychological, cognitive, behavioral, and/or social functioning.” For our youngest kiddos, music therapy and movement are provided in tandem in order to tap into the relaxing benefits of music while encouraging new movement patterns or increasing range of motion. Many of our kiddos also enjoy getting involved with creating the movement and feeling the vibrations of the instruments. These programs may be provided in a group setting but can also be offered individually, in the home.


American Music Therapy Association

Music Therapy – Stanford Children’s Health

Music Therapy: More Than Just a Song