Those of us who work with kiddos in the special needs community understand that Christmas and other holiday bring a different level of concern for some families. They would happily give all the presents in the world for other intangible gifts. Earlier this week I came across this post which helps to illuminate the additional burdens that parent’s of kiddos with extra needs have throughout the year.

A Rare Disease Parent’s Top 10 Christmas Wish List

10.     An appointment where I walk in and the doctor knows more about my child’s condition than I do.

9.      The ability to watch TV shows and movies where people die without falling into a puddle of tears afterwards.

8.      A magic “what is wrong” detector that I can wave over my child when he can’t tell me what is hurting.

7.      A hat that disperses all sneaky thoughts of the life after our child dies.

6.      A year with no funerals.

5.      Treatments that don’t hit our insurance out of pocket max every single year(but hey, having a treatment AT ALL is #1 on many parents’ lists).

4.      A radio station that plays no music about kids growing up, dancing at their wedding, or Christmas shoes.

3.      I want to drive a convertible, not a handicapped accessible van with a “go bag.” Or, I’d rather it be a Jason Bourne-type of go bag, and not a we’re-going-to-be-stuck-in-the-ER-all-night-and-probably-the-hospital-all-week-so-we-better-have-diapers-clothes-toiletries-and-snacks kind of go bag.

2.      In fact, I’d really like to have a locker at the hospital, kind of like what you have at the gym. One where I can keep all my necessities, grab a private shower, and maybe even work out. We’re probably at the hospital more than the gym anyway – better investment.

1.      To watch my child grow up.

That is what I really want for Christmas.

Here is the link to the original article.